Today I think that more people worry about how they look clothing wise rather than how they truly feel. People worry more about how others look at them rather than how they look at themselves. It seems that more people worry about the clothing they wear on backs or the shoes on their feet than how they want their own image to be. Many people want others to see them for their looks and not there character. Society seems to have transformed from a society of inner character to physical beauty. You see all these people walking down Main Street with these $5,000 purses or these $800 pants that you buy at a shop in Florida.
I do not care what shirt I wear, or what shoes I put on that day. I buy cheap shoes because when I step outside they will get just as dirty as a $250 pair of Jordan’s. I am able to save a lot of money because I cut my own hair or have a family member do it because it’s fun and it saves a lot of money. I can but a pair of hair clippers for $10 at Wal-mart and get many haircuts out of it rather than spending $15 or so every time I go to the barbershop. I do not need the expensive haircut because my hair grows really fast and I do not care that it was not “professionally” done. If someone asks me, “Who cut your hair,” then I will gladly say, “My fiancé or my dad did it.” It does not bother me not having the latest haircut or the newest fashion. I look at it as, if you do not like me for me, then you shouldn’t like me at all. I do not want people to like me because the shirt I am wearing or the shoes I have on, but the fact that I am a good person with a great personality.
I was talking to my fiancé about a certain topic just to see what result would come out of it. I asked her if the first time I meet her I drove up a dump truck, would she still love me the same. I wanted to see if it really matters what you drive or what you wear that makes a person love someone. She replied saying that she would still love me the same way. I feel you shouldn’t mask who you really are by having clothing to make people like you. I am the type of person who puts himself out there and has a great time all the time. It does not bother me that I do not have the latest fashion sense because I know I do not need it to make a person like me. Sometimes I am against make-up because I feel you are trying to cover yourself up. I honestly feel that a person is much more beautiful without make-up because when they hide the face that God gave them.
I see a lot of girls getting their finger and toe nails painted and made all pretty because they want the guys to notice them. They spend around $30 to get their nails done then the guy that they want doesn’t notice them because they are just trying too hard. Personally, one of the reasons I am with my fiancé because to some extent she really doesn’t care what she wears or how she is looked at. Sometimes she wears make-up and I tell her that she doesn’t need it because I feel she is even more beautiful without it. When a person hides who they truly are behind some expensive fabric, then the real truth will come out later. When you are deep into the relationship, the couple tends to drift apart because the other person isn’t who they really thought they were in the beginning. The fabric was there temporary happiness but in the long run it doesn’t help.
My personal final thought:
You don’t need the expensive clothes or the fancy shoes. They will go bad just as quickly as a $5 shirt from Kmart. Don’t hide who you truly are and don’t be afraid to be yourself. You will be much happier in the long run. The reason I know this is because I am living proof. I wear what I want to wear; not because I am trying to impress anyone. You should like the person for them and not for their clothing. I know people who wear the nicest clothing but are the biggest jerks in the world. Be and wear what you really are and not what others want you to wear. Break the chain and be yourself.
Are you sure that you didn't steal these ideas from me? I agree completely.